

技術(shù)園地Technology garden

§71.25 認證條件(condition for certification)


      更多關(guān)于著色劑使用申請的法規(guī),請詳見美國FDA 21 CFR 第71部分關(guān)于著色劑使用申請的法規(guī)匯總。

  § 71.25   Condition for certification.

  (a) When the Commissioner cannot conclude from the information before him that there is a basis for exempting a color additive from the requirement of batch certification, he will so order by appropriate listing in part 74 of this chapter. The Commissioner's order shall state in detail the specifications that shall be met by the color additive.

 ?。╞) Each order shall state a period of time after which use of a color additive subject to batch certification but not from a batch certified by procedure prescribed in this section would result in adulteration of the product in which it is used.


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